There is something to be said about the power of music. I personally enjoy bands like Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Black Keys, Otis Redding, Leon Bridges, Amy Winehouse, the list never ends. I am thankful for the comfort that music has provided effortlessly over the course of my life. On a day where I feel excited “ramble on” by Led Zeppelin can be heard blasting from my record player, on a day where I need to steady my equilibrium and ease my mind, there is a good chance that Bach is playing. I am 100% enthralled and in love with music. I love the way I can succumb to a song and forget the reality I’m in. There is no high quite like a music high. I will sway my hips to the rhythm, tap my hands to the beat, and sing along in harmony. So let the music have its way with you.