Carmen’s Fantasies-997

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Carmen’s Fantasies

(For research. pt.1)
On the evening of Wednesday the 15th of January, 1823, the Reverend Dr
Thomas Quigley delivered a paper to the Royal Society. The title of his
paper was On the Possibilities of Artificial Insemination as a Means to
Improving the Quality of Rural Populations.

Dr Quigley was concerned that the quality of the breeding stock of many of
Britain’s rural villages was declining at an alarming rate. Men and women
who were both stupid and lazy were producing offspring of even lesser
quality. Just as herds of sheep and cattle needed to be revitalized from
time to time, Dr Quigley believed that village populations also needed an
injection of fresh blood.

The answer, as outlined in Dr Quigley’s paper, would be a troupe of eager,
fit, intelligent young men whose semen could be introduced into village
women. As a man of the cloth, Dr Quigley could, of course, not countenance
adultery. And suitable young men would be unlikely to want to marry the
lazy, stupid, (and often ugly) women who needed what the chosen few had to
offer. But artificial insemination? Now that might be an altogether
different matter.

At almost the exact moment that Dr Quigley was stepping up to the podium
to deliver his address, his daughter, Miss Emmeline Quigley, an aspiring
novelist, who had accompanied her father to London, was admitting a man
into the sitting room of their temporary accommodation in Covent Garden,
just a short walk away from the Royal Society’s rooms.

‘Thank you for making yourself available at such short notice, Mr
Cockman,’ she said.

‘The pleasure is entirely mine, Miss Quigley,’ the man said.

‘I believe Mrs Herbertson said that your fee will be half a guinea. Is
that correct?’

‘It is, Miss,’ the man said. ‘I trust that that is acceptable.’

Miss Quigley went into the adjoining room and returned, almost
immediately, with some coins. ‘Half a guinea,’ she said. ‘I shall put it
here. On the sideboard.’

The man bowed slightly. ‘Thank you, Miss.’

‘Our time is somewhat limited,’ Miss Quigley said. ‘It would not be good
if my father should return from his meeting at the Royal Society before we
had completed our business. So I think that we should begin without
delay.’ Miss Quigley picked up a notebook and a pencil, and rearranged one
of the side chairs so that it was facing the man. ‘I think that I shall
observe from here,’ she said. ‘And if you remain … well, where you are
presently standing … I think that you will benefit from the light from
the lamp.’

The man nodded.

Miss Quigley opened the notebook at a fresh page. ‘I shall be taking
notes,’ she said, tapping her pencil on the notebook. ‘When I come to use
the, umm, information, I wish to be as reliable a witness as possible. My
characters may be fictional; but I want their actions to have a certain
verisimilitude.’ And she smiled. ‘Now … I am ready when you are, sir.’

Mr Cockman looked to be about 30 years of age. Not too young. But by no
means old. He was perhaps a little taller than average, with a pleasant
countenance, and a handsome shock of dark brown hair. He had already
removed his top hat and frock coat, and he was standing before Miss
Quigley dressed in tan-colored breeches, a white shirt (with exaggerated
cuffs), a white cravat, and a black waistcoat that barely reached to his

With his eyes fixed firmly on Miss Quigley, he unbuttoned his breeches and
slowly lowered them. He was not wearing any undergarments. It was as
though everything had been designed to get to the object of Miss Quigley’s
curiosity and inquiry with the least possible delay.

‘My word,’ Miss Quigley said. ‘It is … well … somewhat larger than I
expected. If I am honest. My expectation – based on stone and marble
statues, et cetera – was of something slightly smaller, something a little
less … well … substantial.’

Mr Cockman nodded. ‘It may be a little in excess of average, Miss. Penises
vary a good deal. Or so I am given to believe. Some men get by with but
two or three inches in length overall. On the other hand, the prize
fighter Black Jack Horntree was said to have a penis that exceeded
ten-and-three-quarter inches when fully aroused. It must have been quite a

Miss Quigley nodded and wrote something in her notebook. ‘I am not in any
way suggesting that your …’ she made a rolling motion with the
forefinger of her right hand, ‘I am not suggesting that your … should be
compared to that of a horse,’ she said. ‘But it is still …’ And she made
another note in her notebook.

‘Shall I continue, Miss?’
(For Research Part 2)

Miss Quigley glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece. ‘Yes. Thank you.’
But then she said: ‘However, perhaps – with your consent – I might first
test its weight?’

‘By all means, Miss,’ the man said.

Miss Quigley stood up, placed her notebook and pencil on her chair, and
moved to within a foot or so of the man. At first, she didn’t seem to be
sure what to do next. But then she reached out and took the weight of his
penis in the upturned fingers of her right hand. She tested its weight a
couple of times and, almost immediately, the penis began to grow.

To say that Miss Quigley was alarmed would be to over-state her response.
But she was a little surprised. ‘Oh! Is this normal?’ she asked.


‘I perceive that it just, well, grew. In every direction.’

‘In my experience, Miss Quigley, yes, that is totally normal.’

‘Oh. Good.’ And she nodded slightly. ‘Good.’

Miss Quigley allowed the ‘growing’ penis to revert to supporting its own
weight and she returned to her chair. ‘Interesting,’ she said. ‘Yes.
Interesting.’ And she made another note in her notebook.

‘Shall I precede, Miss?’

‘Oh, yes. Yes. Of course.’

Mr Cockman took his growing penis in the upturned fingers of his right
hand, rather in the way in which Miss Quigley had. His right thumb he
placed on top of his penis. And then he moved his whole hand towards his
penis’s purple-pink helmet-shaped head.

Miss Quigley watched – carefully – and then made a further note in her

For the next minute or so, Mr Cockman continued to slide his hand up and
down his gradually growing organ.

‘Your, umm, breathing …,’ Miss Quigley said, sounding just a touch
concerned. ‘It is becoming noticeably shallower. Are you all right? Do you
need me to get you something? Some water perhaps?’

‘Thank you, Miss. But I am perfectly all right. It is just a normal part
of what happens.’

Miss Quigley nodded and made yet another note in her notebook. ‘Are you
sure that there is nothing I can do? Nothing that I can get you?’

For a moment or two the man said nothing. And then he said: ‘You could –
if you wanted to, Miss – raise your skirt and let me gaze upon your

‘My parts?’ Miss Quigley said. ‘You mean my …?’ And she waved a hand in
that region of her lap.

‘I do, Miss,’ the man said.

‘Oh?’ Miss Quigley frowned. ‘And what … will that achieve?’

‘Excitement, Miss.’

‘Excitement? How is that so, sir?’

‘What the eye sees, the cock does feel, Miss.’

‘The cock?’

Mr Cockman tapped his erect member with his forefinger.

‘Oh. Yes. Of course. The cock. Yes.’

‘Especially the stiff cock, Miss.’

Miss Quigley made a few more notes in her notebook. And then, still
frowning slightly, she said: ‘But surely, the, umm, parts – that is to say
even my, umm, parts – cannot be especially exciting.’

The man smiled. ‘I think that you will find, Miss, to a stiff cock, the
parts of a member of the fairer sex can be very exciting.’

‘I see.’

For half a minute – perhaps longer – Miss Quigley made notes in her
notebook, while her guest continued to slowly stroke his erect penis (of
possibly greater than average dimensions). And then Miss Quigley put down
her notebook and pencil, pulled her skirt up around her waist, lowered her
drawers, and spread her thighs slightly.

(For Research Part 3)

‘Is this the sight that excites, sir?’

Mr Cockman smiled, nodded, and massaged the head of his penis with the
ball of his thumb. ‘Almost perfect, Miss.’

‘Almost, sir? Pray tell how it could be more perfect.’

‘Perhaps if it was possible to view your, umm, entrance, Miss Quigley.’

Miss Quigley frowned. ‘My entrance, sir?’

‘Yes, Miss.’

Miss Quigley continued to frown, but, nevertheless, she spread her labia
and exposed the entrance to her vagina. ‘Like this?’

‘Perfect, Miss.’

‘And can you explain why it is more perfect now that it was previously?’

‘Now, Miss, I can more easily imagine my cock entering into you.’

A look of surprise crossed Miss Quigley’s face. ‘Gracious,’ she said. ‘But
surely, a, umm, cock (as you say) as big as yours could not enter such a
small opening.’

‘I think you would be surprised, Miss.’

Miss Quigley frowned.

‘Perhaps I could demonstrate, Miss.’ And, before Miss Quigley could say
anything, the man said: ‘Oh, not with my cock. No. With my fingers. May

Miss Quigley continued to frown. ‘With your fingers?’

‘Yes, Miss.’

‘Well, I suppose that would be all right,’ she said. ‘What would you need
me to do?’

‘Just slide forward a little on the chair.’

Miss Quigley did as she was bid.

‘And perhaps you could assume responsibility for the management of my cock
– although, at this stage, not too vigorously.’ And then Mr Cockman
positioned himself so that he had access to Miss Quigley’s quim and she
had access to his throbbing cock.

Mr Cockman began by separating Miss Quigley’s labia, smearing the juices
that were beginning to appear along the length of the valley from her
little nubby clitoris almost all of the way to her puckered anus and then
back again.

‘Oh!’ Miss Quigley exclaimed. ‘Oh! Gracious!’

After tracing the length of her increasingly-slippery valley six of seven
times, Mr Cockman entered her warm and waiting vagina with his
juice-slicked finger.

‘Oh, gracious, gracious!’ Miss Quigley exclaimed.

And then Mr Cockman allowed a second finger to join the first.

‘Oh, dear God in heaven!’ Miss Quigley said.

But Mr Cockman was not done. A third finger soon joined the other two. For
a minute or so, Mr Cockman allowed his fingers to remain inside Miss
Quigley while he massaged her now groundnut-sized clitoris with his thumb.
And then he gently withdrew – keeping his three fingers together. With his
other hand, he made an open circle with his thumb and forefinger, and then
thrust the three glistening fingers that had so recently been inside Miss
Quigley into the circle. ‘There,’ he said. ‘And I do believe that my cock
will fit into that same space.’ And he demonstrated that it did.
(Although, to be honest, it only just fitted.)

‘You are right, sir. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with
my own eyes. Quite remarkable!’

Mr Cockman smiled and resumed control of his rampant cock. He held the
head just an inch or so away from the entrance to Miss Quigley’s vagina.
‘One thrust now,’ he said, ‘and my cock would be inside you.’

‘Then thrust, sir,’ Miss Quigley said. ‘Thrust, by all means.’

Mr Cockman eased forward.

‘Oh, oh, oh! Dear God in heaven!’ Miss Quigley exclaimed.

Mr Cockman let his cock rest without further movement deep inside Miss
Quigley. But he worked her clitoris with his fingers and, in no time at
all, she was shaking and shuddering and softly whimpering like a puppy.

‘Remarkable,’ Miss Quigley said, once she had managed to regain her
composure. ‘Quite, quite remarkable.’

‘Indeed, Miss. But I believe that it was the actual spunking that you were
desirous of observing,’ Mr Cockman said.

Miss Quigley smiled and nodded. ‘Oh, yes. Yes, of course. I had almost
forgotten,’ she said.

Mr Cockman took his cock in hand once more and began to pump it with
renewed vigour. ‘And now,’ he said, his breath beginning to desert him.
‘And now … Oh, yes. Fuck, yes.’ And ropes of silvery-white cum shot from
his (perhaps larger than average) cock and fell upon Miss Quigley’s milky
white thighs.

‘Yes,’ Miss Quigley said. ‘Yes. I think I shall be able to remember that.
But I shall just make a few notes nevertheless.’

Half an hour later, when the Reverend Doctor Thomas Quigley returned and
stepped into the sitting room to wish his daughter goodnight, Mr Cockman
had gone.

‘Was your paper well received, Father?’ Miss Quigley enquired.

‘Umm … by some quarters,’ Dr Quigley said. ‘Yes. By some quarters. And
how was your evening, Emmy? How did you occupy yourself?’

‘Research,’ Miss Quigley said. ‘I have arrived at the view that, even in
fiction, it is important to get the facts right.’ And she formed her thumb
and forefinger into a circle. ‘You might be surprised what can fit through
an apparently small opening.’

Her father looked confused. ‘Well … umm … yes,’ he said. ‘But then …
many things surprise me, Emmy. Perhaps I will … umm … wish you
goodnight and God bless.’

pt 1

Our story is set during an Autumn day, early November, with our young man
we will call Zack. Zack was 20 years old, slightly tanned skin, dirty
blond, green eyes and has discovered a handful of fetishes he enjoyed
quite a bit. His most recent venture was anal play and prostate pleasure.
Zack had experimented over the past year with various toys and methods to
reach this mythical prostate orgasm everyone was talking so much about. He
had heard that being in chastity for a week prior to the act would
increase the chances of having such an orgasm. So he went online and found
a nice pink chastity cage. After about a week he finally had his key to
the orgasm he most wanted.

So, Zack donned his new cage and ventured on his journey. He hid the key
in a public room of his house to deter him from trying to unlock himself,
as his parents would be suspicious of what he was doing. Throughout the
week he teased himself with porn and anal play, but was very careful not
to play with his penis as he was sure it would ruin the experiment. He
grew increasingly horny and his balls seemed to ache with not being
allowed to release. On Thursday, one day prior to the full week, he went
through his routine of teasing his prostate hoping that on Friday he would
be able to have a full on prostate orgasm.

Zack had another fetish; he enjoyed cross dressing. He would steal his
sister’s clothes sometimes and dress up and look in the mirror at his
girlish curves and tanned skin. Today, he wanted to wear a tight, short,
black dress while teasing his ass. He heard that the more you get into the
act the more likely you are to succeed. He also found a nice black thong
to match his dress. After prepping for his session of teasing and
pleasure, he took one last look in the mirror to admire himself. He looked
so much better dressed as a girl than a guy. He wondered to himself why he
didn’t go out in public dressed like this and find a real man, instead of
using a fake silicone dildo. But that wasn’t important right now. He was
so turned on by how he was dressed and how horny he was, that he couldn’t
wait any longer.

Zack started by attaching his dildo to the wall and giving it a blow job
like he was milking a real cock. He get so into the sucking and licking he
almost forgot what he was trying to do. Zack pulled his down off his
chest, revealing a nice pair of breasts. His body has this habit of
storing fat in his breast area, so he has breasts somewhat resembling real
boobs. He teased his nipples till he couldn’t stand it anymore, he was so
horny at this point he just wanted the dildo in his ass.

He took the dildo off the wall and lays down on his side. The spooning
position was the position Zack found to put the right amount of pressure
on his prostate. He lubed his dildo and his ass up and slowly started to
slide it inside. He was used to anal play, so it went in rather easily. As
soon as the dildo entered his girlish hole, he felt a slight pain, but
instant pleasure as well. It usually took him a minute or two to find his
prostate, but this time it was very easy to locate; it seems the chastity
cage is doing its job. As his hole loosened up he started to speed up his
strokes. He felt the pleasure getting stronger and stronger as the dildo
rubbed his prostate more and more. This was unlike any prostate pleasure
he had felt before. He was certain he was very close to what he was
yearning for. He wanted this orgasm so badly.

As the pleasure began to grow increasingly stronger and stronger, his
strokes got faster and faster, and stronger and deeper. The feeling was
similar to needing to urinate, but he had heard this is exactly the
feeling he was looking for. He kept going as the pleasure kept building,
keeping relaxed so to not ruin the sensations. Seconds went by that felt
like minutes as the pleasure kept building and building, and as he reached
the peak of pleasure, his body tingled and his mind went numb as he felt
his prostate shoot a stream of liquid out of his cock hitting his leg. He
was shocked! He didn’t expect to ejaculate from a prostate massage. The
orgasm was incredible as he kept massaging his prostate. He thought he
would feel the feeling after a normal orgasm of guilt, but he was still as
horny as he was before, if not more. And as he rode the previous while
still pounding his hole he felt the pleasure in his prostate growing
again. This was incredible! As he reached the edge again, he shot another
hot stream of liquid from his cock…his body tingling with every thrust
of the dildo. As he rode out another prostate orgasm, he felt the pleasure
slowly fading from his body. He figured the fun had ended and was about to
finish up…As he was going through a couple more slow deep thrusts to
finish his session up, he felt that pleasure that was fading returning
ever so slowly. And as he picked up his pace the pleasure built even
faster than before as his prostate released even more liquid from his
penis. At this point Zack was moaning with pleasure and panting like a
girl. He had had three of the most amazing prostate orgasms that he had
only dreamed about.

As his limp and totally sated body lay on the floor, the dildo slowly
slipped out and he lay there for a second basking in the afterglow of his
milking session. He couldn’t believe what he had just experienced. He got
everything he wanted and hoped for, if not more. Zack cleaned himself up,
took off his clothing and hopped in the shower. He could barely stand long
enough to wash himself off, but managed to wash up. He then collapsed on
his bed and took a very well deserved nap. He fell asleep to the
experience he just had, and thought to himself, he may never need to take
this chastity cage off if these are the kinds of orgasms he can have.

Our story is set during an Autumn day, early November, with our young man
we will call Zack. Zack was 20 years old, slightly tanned skin, dirty
blond, green eyes and has discovered a handful of fetishes he enjoyed
quite a bit. His most recent venture was anal play and prostate pleasure.

Zack had experimented over the past year with various toys and methods to
reach this mythical prostate orgasm everyone was talking so much about. He
had heard that being in chastity for a week prior to the act would
increase the chances of having such an orgasm. So he went online and found
a nice pink chastity cage. After about a week he finally had his key to
the orgasm he most wanted.

So, Zack donned his new cage and ventured on his journey. He hid the key
in a public room of his house to deter him from trying to unlock himself,
as his parents would be suspicious of what he was doing. Throughout the
week he teased himself with porn and anal play, but was very careful not
to play with his penis as he was sure it would ruin the experiment. He
grew increasingly horny and his balls seemed to ache with not being
allowed to release. On Thursday, one day prior to the full week, he went
through his routine of teasing his prostate hoping that on Friday he would
be able to have a full on prostate orgasm.

Zack had another fetish; he enjoyed cross dressing. He would steal his
sister’s clothes sometimes and dress up and look in the mirror at his
girlish curves and tanned skin. Today, he wanted to wear a tight, short,
black dress while teasing his ass. He heard that the more you get into the
act the more likely you are to succeed. He also found a nice black thong
to match his dress. After prepping for his session of teasing and
pleasure, he took one last look in the mirror to admire himself. He looked
so much better dressed as a girl than a guy. He wondered to himself why he
didn’t go out in public dressed like this and find a real man, instead of
using a fake silicone dildo. But that wasn’t important right now. He was
so turned on by how he was dressed and how horny he was, that he couldn’t
wait any longer.

Zack started by attaching his dildo to the wall and giving it a blow job
like he was milking a real cock. He get so into the sucking and licking he
almost forgot what he was trying to do. Zack pulled his down off his
chest, revealing a nice pair of breasts. His body has this habit of
storing fat in his breast area, so he has breasts somewhat resembling real
boobs. He teased his nipples till he couldn’t stand it anymore, he was so
horny at this point he just wanted the dildo in his ass.

He took the dildo off the wall and lays down on his side. The spooning
position was the position Zack found to put the right amount of pressure
on his prostate. He lubed his dildo and his ass up and slowly started to
slide it inside. He was used to anal play, so it went in rather easily. As
soon as the dildo entered his girlish hole, he felt a slight pain, but
instant pleasure as well. It usually took him a minute or two to find his
prostate, but this time it was very easy to locate; it seems the chastity
cage is doing its job. As his hole loosened up he started to speed up his
strokes. He felt the pleasure getting stronger and stronger as the dildo
rubbed his prostate more and more. This was unlike any prostate pleasure
he had felt before. He was certain he was very close to what he was
yearning for. He wanted this orgasm so badly.

As the pleasure began to grow increasingly stronger and stronger, his
strokes got faster and faster, and stronger and deeper. The feeling was
similar to needing to urinate, but he had heard this is exactly the
feeling he was looking for. He kept going as the pleasure kept building,
keeping relaxed so to not ruin the sensations. Seconds went by that felt
like minutes as the pleasure kept building and building, and as he reached
the peak of pleasure, his body tingled and his mind went numb as he felt
his prostate shoot a stream of liquid out of his cock hitting his leg. He
was shocked! He didn’t expect to ejaculate from a prostate massage. The
orgasm was incredible as he kept massaging his prostate. He thought he
would feel the feeling after a normal orgasm of guilt, but he was still as
horny as he was before, if not more. And as he rode the previous while
still pounding his hole he felt the pleasure in his prostate growing
again. This was incredible! As he reached the edge again, he shot another
hot stream of liquid from his cock…his body tingling with every thrust
of the dildo. As he rode out another prostate orgasm, he felt the pleasure
slowly fading from his body. He figured the fun had ended and was about to
finish up…As he was going through a couple more slow deep thrusts to
finish his session up, he felt that pleasure that was fading returning
ever so slowly. And as he picked up his pace the pleasure built even
faster than before as his prostate released even more liquid from his
penis. At this point Zack was moaning with pleasure and panting like a
girl. He had had three of the most amazing prostate orgasms that he had
only dreamed about.

As his limp and totally sated body lay on the floor, the dildo slowly
slipped out and he lay there for a second basking in the afterglow of his
milking session. He couldn’t believe what he had just experienced. He got
everything he wanted and hoped for, if not more. Zack cleaned himself up,
took off his clothing and hopped in the shower. He could barely stand long
enough to wash himself off, but managed to wash up. He then collapsed on
his bed and took a very well deserved nap. He fell asleep to the
experience he just had, and thought to himself, he may never need to take
this chastity cage off if these are the kinds of orgasms he can have.

I know we live far apart, but I love talking to you all of the time. And I
think it was just spectacular of you to use some of your vacation time to
come and visit me. This is going to be so much fun, and our men will
absolutely appreciate it. It’s my first time though so I am a bit nervous.

I have the bedroom all set up with a tripod and a couple of cameras.

“Do you want to change into any special outfits before we start?” I ask.

“No, I think it’s sexier if we start right now, as we are getting
undressed” you respond. You pick up the camera and start taking pictures
of me while I pull off my cut T-shirt to reveal what you had already
known, that I wasn’t wearing a bra to contain my big tits. My nipples got
hard feeling the fabric rubbing across them.

“Do you like what you see?” I ask as I run my hands up my belly and grab
my breasts, squeezing them in my hands. I turn around and start to shimmy
out of my tight jeans, bending over so you can get a good shot of my ass
in lace panties.

“Now it’s your turn.” I take the camera from you, snapping pictures of you
as you unbutton your shirt. Slowly revealing another inch lower. You are
so sexy. You are standing there in just your pants and your bra. “turn
around so I can get pictures of you unhooking it.” You turn around,
reaching your arms behind your back to unhook your bra. You peek over your
shoulder at me and let it slowly slip to the ground. What a seductress you
are. You wiggle out of your pants and then take the camera from me to put
it on the tripod.

“Let’s get some pictures together” You set up the remote and join me on
the bed. We are both on our knees, only wearing our panties, facing each
other. I gently brush your hair off your shoulder and run my fingers down
your neck tracing the line from your ear, down your shoulder and around
the outside of your breast. I leave a trail of goosebumps in my wake and
your nipples get tight. I cup your breasts in my hands, feeling your soft
skin on my fingers.

“Lay back,” I tell you. You prop yourself up on your elbows, arching your
back so your tits are pointing up in the air. I crawl around to the side
of you, sticking out my tongue so just the tip teases your nipple, and you
snap a picture. You keep snapping pictures as I trace my fingernails up
and down your entire body, gently and slowly arousing you.

You sit up again facing the camera and this time I am behind you. I move
your hair out of the way and I nibble on your neck, reaching around so I
can massage your breasts and pinch your nipples. You keep snapping photos
and get up on your knees. My bare breasts are pressed up against your
back. Your skin feels so good on mine. I love the way you are starting to
moan as I bite your neck. I slide my hand down that perfect stomach of
yours and fondle your pussy. I can feel that you are liking what I am
doing to you. I slip my hand down the top of your panties. I stick my
fingers in your wet slit, rubbing your clit in circles while you arch your
back against me, and I pinch your nipple with my other hand, my mouth
biting hard into your neck.

You are repeatedly hitting the button the remote to take more pictures. We
were going to just pose for some naughty pictures for our men, but now it
looks like we are going to have some fun we want to remember.

I come around in front of you to the end of the bed, pull your panties off
and spreading your legs wide so I can see that sweet pussy. The camera is
behind me and I get down on my knees so we can get some better pictures. I
lick up the inside of each thigh, teasing your labia with my tongue and
nibbling on you. I slowly lick your slit from bottom to top and tease your
clit with my tongue. I noticed the clicking of the camera stopped. “Don’t
you dare stop taking pictures,” I instruct.

I start really licking on your pussy, pushing my tongue inside of you and
sucking on your clit, sucking on the skin of your pussy, pulling and
nibbling until you are read and swollen. I crawl up on the bed next to you
and take your nipple into my mouth as I shove two fingers inside you.
You’re so very wet. I pump my fingers in and out of you. I kiss you deeply
on the mouth and you taste your pussy juices on my tongue. I hook my
fingers so I can reach your g-spot better and then move my mouth back to
your clit, sucking it into my mouth. I can tell your orgasm is building by
your moans and your gasps. I finger you faster and use my other hand to
gently play with your ass. That throws you over the edge and the orgasm
crashes over you. spilling your juices onto my fingers. You snap more
pictures while I am licking your juices off of my fingers.

After a few moments of very heavy breathing you sit up and tell me, it’s
my turn.

What do you have in store for me?


Sitting in an armchair in the lounge, reading the paper. Emily, fresh from
the bath, sitting opposite in another chair, reading her book. She has a
loose, thin robe covering her; underneath, tight white cotton panties and
a white vest top.

The book’s a little raunchy, and it’s making Em excited. Peering over the
top of my paper I can see her breathing begin to get more rapid, her
bottom wriggling slightly on the chair.

As I watch, one hand falls from holding the book onto her chest. As she
gently pushes the thin fabric of the robe to one side, I can see that her
nipple is hard and tight, plainly visible through the tight white cotton
of her vest. Rapidly, almost furtively, she gives it a little pinch,
making it stand out even more. Her cheeks are beginning to develop a
slight flush.

Emily slides down a little further in the chair, her movement causing the
robe to slide up and fall open at the front. Her legs unconsciously drift
apart as she gently squeezes and rubs at her engorged nipple, the book’s
story line obviously getting her more and more hot. Her hand smoothes down
a line from her breast to her belly, coming to rest on the waistband of
her panties.

As her legs continue to drift wider, I can’t help but notice the tightness
of her crisp white panties, how they cling to every curve of her pale
smooth flesh, following the contours of her soft mound and dipping in to
outline the shape of her sex. Her fingers are flowing down the fabric of
her panties, touching and caressing, until – just as she did with the
nipple – she suddenly darts in to touch her most intimate and sensitive
area. As she withdraws I can clearly see the outline of her swollen labia
pushing at the cotton.

Her breathing’s quite rapid now, and she’s pulled up the edge of the vest
top to expose the pale skin of her belly, the stud of her belly ring
shining in the light from the lamp. Her hand slides up inside the vest,
and I can see the outline of her fingers as she squeezes first one soft
round breast, then the other.

I’m sitting as quietly as possible, trying not to rustle the paper or make
any other sign to distract her, to remind her that I’m there. My eyes roam
hungrily over her body, her long bare legs, pale exposed belly, vest
bulging with the rapid movements of her hand, the tight white patch
between her legs. She seems oblivious to my presence, focused and intent
on her own pleasure and the sensations she’s feeling, small moans now
escaping from her lips as the pleasure begins. My own excitement is now
self-evident, but I can’t move for fear of breaking the spell.

Her eyes now closed, Emily puts down the book and hooks one leg over the
arm of the chair, her robe wide open and bunched beneath her body. Both
hands are now purposefully engaged, one beneath her vest top, the other
running softly down between her legs, her palm beginning to push down on
her mound, the fingers tickling and trailing along the length of her
swollen lips. Her vest is now so high that I catch glimpses of the smooth
pink underside of her breasts, even now and again the darker pink of her
tight, puffy areola.

I continue to watch fascinated and enchanted as her hand slips under the
waistband of her panties and down inside the fabric. How mesmerizing to
watch the progress of the outline of her long fingers on their journey
downward, slipping over her pudendum before resting firmly between her
thighs, Emily’s legs now wide apart as she begins to slide her finger
rhythmically backwards and forwards, every movement emphasized by the
shadows playing across the tight whiteness covering her womanhood. She is
now panting with pleasure, her breath coming increasingly rapidly, small
moans escaping from her as she builds the sensations.

I can’t help it; I let out a small moan myself. Emily opens her eyes
slowly and meets my fascinated gaze, a small smile forming on her face.
Without losing the rhythm or the pattern established by her fingers, she
uses the other hand to lift the hem of her vest top up to her chin, fully
exposing the glorious, pale orbs of her chest, the hard pinpoints of her
dark nipples standing proud and erect.

Still looking me directly in the eye, Emily moves both hands to the sides
of her panties and, hooking her thumbs into the waistband, begins to move
them slowly down her thighs. As the clean white fabric moves slowly over
her body, more and more of the pale white flesh at the base of her belly
is revealed, her smooth, shaved mound coming inexorably into view, the
stark whiteness of the descending panties serving only to emphasize the
pale softness of the flesh on her most intimate area. Finally the very tip
of her exposed slit is revealed, a bead of moistness at its apex, the
curves of her lips sweeping away to either side.

With a sigh, Emily swiftly pulls the panties down to her ankles and kicks
them off onto the floor, before resuming her previous posture draped over
the arm of the chair, her legs wide, her smooth, moist slit facing
directly towards me, the pink protuberance at its center engorged and
distended under the action of her fingers. She slides her finger back
between her legs, rubbing it up and down in the wetness of her cleft,
flicking gently at the puffy pinkness. Her moans are louder now as she
builds the rhythm, one hand pressing firmly on her mound, the other
darting in and out between her legs. Finally she slips first one finger,
then another into the slippery opening at the base of her naked body,
bending her fingers backwards and forwards and hunching over as the waves
of pleasure engulf her. I hear the familiar change in the pattern of her
breathing, and know that she’s close. Fascinated, unable to resist any
longer, I sink to my knees on the floor by her chair and watch the last
few strokes as Emily’s soaked digit thrusts in and out of her.

With a final scream, Emily clamps her legs together and folds herself in
half at the waist, her hand still firmly clamped between her thighs as the
waves of sensation engulf her, her beautiful nude breasts shaking with the
intensity of the pleasure. Sweat rolls down her flushed cheeks as she
looks at me, her eyes bright, and she smiles that secret smile.

A story submitted by one of my slaves. pt.1/2

I am awake at 5:30am with morning wood. The erection is pushing on the
cock cage which in turn is pulling on my balls something fierce. I could
get up and go to the bathroom and pee and it would abate. But that’s not
our agreement. So instead I roll over and just wait. I could say it was
uncomfortable, but to be truthful it is fun too. I know she will enjoy
hearing about my suffering when she wakes up and that will start the day
on a positive note.

Half an hour later her alarm clock goes off. She reaches over and turns it
off. As she settles back I snuggle up to her. She has her back to me. I am
careful not to allow the cage to touch her.

After about a minute she breathes deep and murmurs “Morning wood?”

“Yes” I answer.

“Tell me about it” she says.

“It’s crushing my balls something fierce. Tell me you like having my cock
locked up” I reply.

“I love having your cock locked up. You are so much more loving and
attentive since we locked it away.” She chuckles “And I love that when
your cock tries to get hard it punishes your balls for me. I love
controlling when you can get an erection. I love that you need my

“I’m so glad it pleases you.” I breathe into her shoulder.

“Tell me more.” she says with a tone of teasing in her voice. “Be my
submissive little cock slave this morning.”

“Thank you for locking up my cock. I am so glad you don’t mind me whining
about sore balls at this hour of the morning. I’m so happy you care enough
about me and my cock to lock it up. I love that you want to keep it..
safe, for yourself. Whatever. When my dick and balls ache like this I
think about the fact that it is all for you and I know how much you like
it. I love doing this for you. It is so nice to be able to do something
that I know you enjoy. I love it when you tease me. You clearly get off on
it. And I love aching for you. It makes me so happy when you let me
pleasure you. Kissing you is so sweet. And every time you let me lick you
I feel like the luckiest man alive.”

She rolls onto her back and runs her fingers through my hair. “You can put
your head on my chest if you want. It might make it … worse.”

Of course I do it.

“Does that make it ache more for me?” she whispers softly.

I let out a whimper and a “yes”.

“That is so sweet. You are such a good boy for me.” Her hand strokes the
back of my head. “Do Kegels for me. Make it twitch.”

I start clenching rhythmically, making the cage bounce around and amplify
the squeeze on my cock and the crush of my balls. I grunt and whimper in
time to the pressure.

The feel if her breast under my face is exquisite. “That’s a good boy.”
For some reason that phrase thrills me to my core whenever she says it.

“Tell me what you are thinking. What do you want?”

“I want to touch you, stroke you, kiss you, make your heart beat fast,
then lick you till you scream.”

“You sure that’s what you want? Nothing for your caged cock?” she asks.

“No. I just want to pleasure you and see you enjoy it.”

“That’s my good boy. Now kiss me.”

I rise up on my arm and lean over to kiss her.

I start giving her the most tender, delicate and passionate kisses I know
how. After a few of these her hand snakes down between us. Her fingertips
find my balls as they bounce around while I continue clenching. She
strokes them as they bounce in and out of her hand. My head swims.

“Put your head back on my chest.”

I lay down and she cradles my balls and the cock cage in her hand. I
whimper/moan as I lay my head on her chest.

“Now give me your hand” she says. She takes it and gently lays it on the
other breast. “No squeezing. Just keep it warm for me.”

“Yes ma’am”

“That’s a good boy.” My head buzzes. My cock throbs, by balls ache. Why
does that phrase do this to me? Who cares. She is my queen.

We lay there a few minutes. She occasionally squeezes my nuts. A slow,
firm, growing pressure.

When the pain builds I suck in a breath and say “Thank you.”

Our agreed code. Thanking her lets her know I am at my limit, but that she
can decide what happens next. She relaxes and rubs the epidermis with her
finger tips pressing it against the penis tube. This is worse than
squeezing the balls.

I gasp out “Oh yes. Thank you.” It hurts like hell but it also makes my
hips thrust slightly in an uncontrollable way.

She raises her leg into my crotch to support her hand and press up on the
bottom of my crotch. Her other leg slides out and she rolls into me and
strokes my face with her other hand.

As her fingers slide over my lips she says “Lick”.


I lick the proffered finger with my tongue. She slides it into my mouth,
letting me get it good and wet. Then she takes it out and slides her hand
down to her sex where she works it around for a moment. It comes back up
to my mouth a little later and I lick at it, making it wet, and cleaning
it of her fluids. She returns to fingering herself and squeezing my nuts.

The next time it comes up from her crotch it hovers in front of my face
and she says “Do you want to lick it?”

“Oh god yes, I so want it lick it.”

“Stick out your tongue” she says in a lilting tease.

I stick out my tongue and make slow licking motions the way I know she
likes me to lick her crotch. She teases the tip of my tongue before
plunging her finger into my mouth briefly. Then she slides it back to her

“Tell me how much you want to eat me” She asks. “Would you like to be my
pussy licker?”

Like there is ever any question that I want to eat her.

“Yes please” I say in a half whisper half whimper. “I would very much like
to lick you. I would love to caress your labia and your clit with my

“Tell me how you would do it”

“I would lick them so lovingly and gently. Just the tip of my tongue up
the sides of your labia. Over and over again. Like licking honey off a
bee’s wings. Up one side and down the other. I would reverse the direction
every now and then, but not too often. I know how you like me to build it.
And when you are wet enough that my chin is covered in your love I would
start to lick more firmly.”

“Yeeess.” She hissed, squeezing my balls in time with my hip rocking as I
spoke. “But I’m not sure you deserve to lick it.”

“Of course not” I reply. “I am not entitled to taste you. But if my tongue
would be pleasing to you, then I would be honored.”

“Your cock is leaking.”

“Yes, it is. You know you always have this effect on me.”

“Cover it with your hand so it doesn’t get on the sheets and get between
mommy’s legs and eat your breakfast like a good boy.”

“Yes ma’am. Thank you. You won’t regret this.”

“Shut up and lick me” she says lightly.

And I do just as I had described. At first I can tell her arousal is minor
at best. But as I trace the tips of her labia over and over with the tip
of my tongue this changes. Soon her hips are no longer still.

“Is your dick still trying to get hard?” she pants.

“Oh god yes. It’s being squeezed so tight. And my hand is soaked.”

“That’s a good boy. That is so hot. Make me cum now. Suck my clit. Suck it

Her world explodes as I suck for all I’m worth. Her legs are like a vise
on my head and she grabs my hair and groans out her orgasm.

When she is settled down she strokes my head. “That’s my good boy. Now,
get me an orange juice and start the shower for me. And wash yourself up.”

I get out of bed and head to the kitchen, trying not to grin to much. It
spoils the mood If she sees me grinning.

When I come back with the juice she is just sitting up in bed. I hand her
the juice and walk through to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and start
the towel warmer.

She follows me into the bathroom a few moments later and sits on the toilet.

“Come over here.”

She takes off the necklace with the key to my cock cage. I stand still as
she reaches out and unlocks it. She takes the tube off slowly. It pulls
somewhat as my cock is doing its best to fill every last space and opening
of the tube. My heart is pounding a mile a minute.

“Hmm. Not so hard after all” she says, smiling and winking at me. Of
course until a second ago there wasn’t enough space in the cock cage to
fully swell.

Then she pushes my balls through the ring to free them and sets the two
parts on the counter.

“Now get washed up.” Using the washcloth and basin I wash hands then
genitals, and face. Then I start shaving, again genitals then face.

She finishes on the toilet and steps out to get clothes for the day and I
finally drain my aching bladder. She comes back with hangers containing
blouse and dress, bra and panties.

I wash the cock cage and put a little lube in the tube just as she steps
into the shower.

“Kneel just outside the glass door here and edge for me while I shower. I
want you to count them out.”

Oh Em Gee. She takes long showers; even on work days like today.

The first edge is while she washes her hair. Head tipped back, clearly
luxuriating in the water cascading over her head washing the shampoo away.
Of course it helps that I am a sucker for the fragrance it has.

“That’s one.” I moan.

She straightens up and wipes the water from her face and smiles at me.
Clearly relishing my longing for her and my self-denial for her benefit.

The second is as she soaps her chest while smiling lovingly through the
glass at me. I stop just short of ejaculating and huff a hoarse “Two.” My
cock twitching multiple times but fortunately not squirting. I timed it

She smiles and wags a finger at me in mock scolding.

The third edge comes as she washes her ass, which is pointed at me. As she
smiles down at me I swear she is spending far too long washing her anus
with a finger. Is she actually sliding it in? I can’t quite tell. “Oh god,
oh god. Three” I gasp.

The fourth hits as she uses the shower head between her legs. Clearly
giving herself another orgasm as I watch her and she watches me.

“Are you … getting … close?” she asks.

“Yes” I moan.

That she is watching me do this is so erotic. Through clenched teeth I say
“Four” as I let go and grab my own legs and start gasping to keep from
going over.

She orgasms against the shower wall looking down at me. When she finishes
shuddering she rinses and hangs up the shower head and shuts off the

“Hand me a towel for my hair”

I pass her the towel with the hand that hadn’t been stroking my cock. She
dries her hair vigorously. It makes her tits shake marvelously.

By now I am no longer fully erect, only a half mast. I am, however, on
perpetual edge. It has been a minute of panting and handing her a towel
since my last edge but just two strokes and I am right back at the peak
“Fiiive” I croak.

She stops drying and peeks out from under the towel and giggles at me.
“Now dry me off.”

I take the other towel from the warmer and wipe her down with its warm
softness, drying her without actually being able to touch her.

“That feels so nice” she says.

“Now… Be a good jerk boy and edge for me again and then hands off.

She turns and picks up her deodorant. She watches me in the mirror as she
applies her deodorant. Next she picks up her perfume and gives two quick

I let go just barely in time. “Si-hi-hi-ix”

She turns around and grasps my cock with thumb and forefinger and lightly
rolls it between them. Once, twice, another edge. Good lord she can play
me like a violin.

Coyly she asks “Is there anything else we should do before we lock this
thing away for the day?”

I know the right thing to say “I love you. Please don’t make me cum”.

She closes her whole hand around my shaft. Slow and gentle she strokes.
One, two, stop, another edge.

“Really? After all that you don’t want to cum?”

“No, please don’t”

“No?” Stroke, stroke, stop. Another edge.

“Oh god, Please don’t make me cum”

“Ok” She replies, with a half smile.

She steps in close. The scent of her makes my head swim. My legs begin to

“Kiss me” she demands in a whisper.

We kiss. Soft and deep. That alone edges me.

I whine “Hmm Hmm Hmmm!” into the kiss and my knees start to buckle and my
eyes roll up. She breaks the kiss and just stares at me.

I pant hard and fast.

When my breathing steadies just a bit she leans in and asks “What do you

“I love you. Thank you for not making me cum.”

Placing a hand on my face she looks at me with a smile and movie-star eyes
and says “I absolutely love hearing you say that. That is so hot and so

She turns and picks up the bra and panties from the hanger and puts them
on. My head slowly starts to clear as I step back from the edge.

She picks up the cock cage and says “Let’s get you secured for the day
shall we?”

A few minutes of tugging, stuffing and pulling and I am caged again. It
isn’t difficult as I am half limp even though I’ve been on the edge just a
few moments ago.

As she pulls on her pants I stand there and just breathe deep. She looks
at me as she shoulders into her blouse and smiles. Before buttoning up she
steps close again and whispers “Tell me again”

“I love you” I say. This time it is me taking her face in my hand. “Thank
you for not making me cum.”

She reaches out and pulls my face to hers. We kiss tenderly. “You’re
welcome. Thanks for being such a good boy for me. Now I have to get going
or I’ll be late.”

As she buttons her blouse I turn the shower on cold and step in for my
(The End)

You came home from work and I was sitting in your living room. You dropped
your keys, didn’t even notice I was there until I cleared my throat.

“What? How did you get in here?”

“A mistress does not need to ask permission from her toys. Nor does she
have to explain herself. Come here.”

“Yes Mistress”

You obediently come over to me. I circle you, trailing a finger along your
collar bone and the back of your neck. The next thing you know, you are
being handcuffed with your hands behind your back. “Get on your knees,” I
tell you as I push down on your shoulders. I take a step away and untie my
wrap around dress to reveal a red corset, black garters, and thigh highs.
I can see the lust in your eyes as you look at my breasts practically
spilling out of the top of the corset. I can see the bulge growing in your

I step closer dragging a chair with me. I place the chair on your right
and put my foot up on the seat. “Kiss it,” I tell you as I position my
bare pussy in front of your face. You oblige, leaning forward and giving
my mound a soft kiss. “Would you like to taste it?” You nod your head yes.
So I move closer, positioning my wet pussy, spread wide over your eagerly
awaiting mouth.

You lick very softly at first. But quickly your desire to devour me takes
over and you fervently lick and suck on my clit. I feel your tongue slide
just inside my pussy and I start to grind on your face. You desperately
want to touch me but you can’t since you are cuffed. I put my hand on your
head and push your face even harder into my pussy. Your mouth feels so
good. I can feel an orgasm building but I am not ready yet.

pt. 2/2

I pull away from you and gesture for you to move to the chair. It’s more
difficult than you expected to get off your knees with your hands behind
your back but I just stand there and watch. I stop you before you sit
down. I slowly unbuckle your belt, pulling it free of the loops and then
cracking it right in front of you. I am standing so close, you just want
to lean into me, to touch me more. But I won’t let you. I unbutton your
pants, painstakingly slowly lowering your zipper and letting your pants
drop to the floor. I can see you are really hard now. Your cock is
pulsating. I hook my fingers into the top of your underwear and slowly
wiggle them down over your tight ass and that huge cock. Once your cock is
released from the confines of the fabric I push you on your chest, so you
quickly sit down.

You have to scoot so you are closer to the edge of the chair since your
hands are still cuffed. I straddle you, sitting down on your cock, but not
letting you enter me. You can feel the heat and wetness of my pussy lips
surrounding your cock as it’s pressed up against you. I grab your
shoulders and start to grind my pussy on you. My abundant cleavage pushing
up to your face with every undulation. You’re getting slippery and gliding
easily between my lips. You just keep staring at my breasts. “Bite them”
You bite the top of each breast making me gasp and my pace quicken. “Look
at my eyes” and you stare into my eyes. Your breath is getting faster.

“Oh, Mistress please.”

“Please, what?”

“Please Mistress, let me inside of you.”

“Are you begging?” I keep grinding, faster.

“Yes, oh God I am begging you. Please, Mistress.”

I raise up and then slide back down on your throbbing cock. You feel my
tight, wet folds surround you and gasp. Riding you up and down on the
chair, moving my hips back and forth. You groan, pulling at your cuffs.
You want to touch me so badly. I put my lips right over yours, close
enough to almost kiss. We are just inhaling each others breath as I ride
you. I lick your lips and you moan. Then I kiss you deeply. You struggle
again at the cuffs. You start thrusting into me faster. But I am not ready
for you to cum.

I stand up. An involuntary whine escapes your lips.

“do you think you have been obedient enough for me?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you think you have suffered enough with the fact I haven’t let you cum
any of the last times I was with you?”

“Yes Mistress, please let me cum. If it would please you of course.” Your
cock is throbbing, bouncing with your desire.

“Ok then.” I help you stand up and unlock your cuffs. You turn toward me,
waiting for my next command.

“I think you do deserve to be rewarded.” I pause. I kiss you on the lips
and then I whisper in your ear “fuck me any way you want.”

You grab me and throw me down on the sofa. You pull my breasts out of the
top of my corset and suck on my nipples while you deftly shove your hard
cock deep inside me. You pump me hard, slamming into me with every thrust.
I start to finger my clit. I was already so close it doesn’t take me long
until I start to orgasm. My moans and screams send you over the edge and
you shudder, filling my pussy with your hot cum. Listening to you moan is
so sexy. I wrap my legs around you as you collapse on top of me.

“Thank you Mistress” you pant into my ear. (The End)
Pt. 1/3

Your ashtray / toy was excited when You wanted to use Your heels to make
it suffer for You. Naturally, it was excited when it saw the pair of
heels that You picked out to use on its nuts. The leopard pattern on the
heels were a total surprise and it made it even more eager to take it for

it noticed that the heels were well worn and there was quite a few marks
on the bottom of the soles. The heels were long and very sexy as well.
it wanted to smell the inside of the shoes right away and for a minute it
thought that You might be wanting to make it lick the soles of Your hot
heels clean before You abused it.

Right away You told it to place Your ashtray nuts in to the nut tray so
that You could warm up Your nuts with lit cigs before the entertainment
began. It was really squirming as the cigs were burning right under the
nuts on the left nut. The nuts were being abused and the main event had
not even started yet.

Then You wanted it to take a cigar and place it under the right nut so
that it was abused as well. You told it that You wanted the biggest cigar
that it had. it was squirming and quivering as the cigar burned the right
nut. Then You told it to drop the nuts on to the cigar and put it out.
Then it had to re light the cigar and draw a “C” right in the center of
the nuts that You totally own. it has not choice because it has signed
the deed of ownership over to You and the deed also states that it has no
limits but Yours. You had trained it previously to know that Your
entertainment is more important than how much it suffers for You. If You
want it then it must comply to Your wishes, quickly with no hesitation.
it is Your property and no longer a man, just an object that is owned by
You to use for Your needs.


You have totally dehumanized Your toy. Now for the main event. You
wanted it suffer and be in pain for awhile after You were done with it.
You sent to it a pair of Your panties for it to clean as well. You told
it that You wanted it to suck the panties clean. As it cleaned Your
panties You told it that You had squirted really hard in to the panties.
it could taste You and it wanted to suck out all of the juices from the
panties. A nice treat for it, humiliating all the same, but it was very

Then You had it beat Your nuts with a wooden spoon and told it to shove
all of Your panties in to its mouth as You had it beat Your nuts harder
and harder. Then You had it use the flogger on Your cock and balls so
that they were nice and sore. The nuts were already marked from the cigs
and cigar. The flogging really made them hurt even more. You laughed as
it did this for You and even tho it was screaming You told it to continue
flogging them.

it could tell that You really were being entertained and that made it want
to do it even harder for You. The next part might make a lot of subs
squirm, the heels. You told it that You wanted to tap dance on Your nuts.
You had it place Your tightly bound nuts on to the table so that You could
dance on the nuts. Your heels were resting on the nuts and then You
started to make the heels dance on Your nuts. Jabbing the heels in and
out of the nuts quickly with no regard for were the heels dug in to the
nuts. Then Your heels were being pushed straight down in to the nuts, not
stopping the heels until it was screaming very hard. Oh my God that hurt. You
laughed and told it that Goddess Carmen is God to it and it quickly


Then You wanted to take the soles of Your heels and start to stomp on the
nuts and grind the soles on them as well. Taking a lot of quick hits from
the soles as they stomped on the nuts was very painful. Then back to the
heels and the jabbing began all over again. You told it that You wanted
it to take as much force on the nuts as Goddess Carmen would make as She
stood right on the nuts. Goddess Carmen was being very sadistic and it
thought that She might actually step on the nuts so hard that they would
pop. Then the grinding of the heels started. Standing on its nuts and
grinding the heels back and forth, over and over again. it was quivering,
squirming and in a lot of pain. The more pain the better for Goddess
Carmen. The nuts were burned from the cigs earlier and bleeding from the
heels now.

Then with the sole of the shoe, Goddess Carmen wanted to smack the nuts
from underneath. Smacking the nuts very hard until they turned red all
over. The nuts were black blue in spots and bleeding from the heels in
several other spots. it was in pain, but Goddess Carmen was not done yet.
She had it take a lemon and squeezed the juice all over the nuts. Then
rubbed the lemon all over the nuts too. This burned and it was really
squirming now. Goddess Carmen wanted it to wait for the lemon juice to
dry before dismissing it for the day.

Goddess Carmen is an owner who really enjoys making Her property suffer
for Her entertainment. It is lucky to be Her property and it worships the
Ground that Goddess Carmen walks on.

-ashtray / toy
(The End)
As you know, the deed states that it is to worship Your altar twice daily.
it worships Your altar when it wakes up and then
again just before it goes to sleep.

Your toy knows that performing the act of worship deepens its submission
to Your control over it. You are on its mind
when it wakes up and then all day. Your toy constantly being mentally
conditioned to know that You are in full control over
it and that You own it.

Then a nice reminder just before it goes to sleep that You own its night
too. Even more so after You have played with
Your toy.

its nightly worship ritual ensures that its mind is in the proper
condition. it knows that You enjoy total control and anything
less than that will result in it being punished. it will also be
retrained until it gets it right.

So, just before it is ready to retire for the night it worships You.

With Your beautiful picture, the panties and copies of e-mails and IM
chats it starts to worship You. Your written words
are absorbed in to its brain as it reads them over and over again. it now
mentally craves to read Your words and match them to
the sound, tone and intensity of Your voice as it worships You.

it relives in its mind things that You have enjoyed making it do for Your
pleasure. While doing this it strokes the cock that You completely
own. it knowing full well that it is not allowed to cum, ever, unless it
has earned enough white stones to tilt the odds in its favor.

As it worships You it also is reading the deed of ownership. The deed is
quite long and it has a over 50 items written in to the deed
that it must adhere to. it signed the deed over to You and You own it as
a result. As it worships You it is excited, because Your training
and mental conditioning is making it crave You all the time.

it often asked itself why it does this. Why? it does this because it
knows that anything less will result in it not fully experiencing what
happens then it gives up total control to its owner. it becomes very
excited when You have all the control and it now craves this too.

The mental conditioning, training, worship are molding it in to what You
want. You told it that You want a toy that You get to play with
and then make it do anything that entertains You. it is worshiping
Goddess Carmen and its mind is being mentally conditioned even
more. Even writing the word more makes it think about the deed. In the
deed its safe word is more. When it feels like it can not take
more than when asked what its safe word is then it must reply, “More, may
it have more”. This gives even more power to Goddess Carmen.

it knows full well that She may be merciful here, or merely continue on if
She is being entertained greatly. After all Her pleasure is its pleasure.

The cock that is owned by Goddess Carmen is rock hard now, the nuts are
full, and fat. it wants to cum badly, but it knows that its desire will
subside if it cums, thus making it much less subservient to Goddess
Carmen. The worship, reading the deed of ownership, Her words and
remembering the tone of
Her voice make it not cum. At this point it is at a crossroads. The
mental conditioning, worship, deed of ownership and its mentally trained
desire to
make sure that Goddess Carmen has all the power and control win out. it
licks any precum up and then retires for the night. it thinking, will it
dream about
Goddess Carmen.

It can not totally feel owned, dehumanized, molded in to just an object or
toy for Goddess Carmen to fully control if it does not adhere to the terms
of the
deed of ownership that it signed. Also, it wants to make sure that the
black mail option never has to be used.
Pt 1/2- Punishment fantasy from my toy and ashtray

it knew that You were very upset with its actions from earlier in the day.
You ownership of it had been total and Your toy has greatly suffered from
being used for Your desires. You want to own a toy that
You can control completely. Your toy should give up all control and be
totally dehumanized , so that You get to use it however You wish. You get
to have all the power and can control Your toy at all times.

Flashback to earlier and once again all it took was what seemed like an
innocent inquiry in to when You would stop burning it. Toys do not ask
questions but just perform like they are designed or trained
to be used. Of course it should be punished for asking a human question
with out asking for permission to speak.

Goddess Carmen was not even working when it happened. She had told it
that if it was home then it should always be ready for Her and that it
would need to ask for permission to do something else if it
wanted to leave. Arrangements can be made a head of time if a request is
made. The deed states that if Goddess Carmen has a bad day then She can
take it out on Her toy.

it was home and it did not think that Goddess Carmen was on the schedule
to work so it relaxed, watching Game of Thrones on its Xbox1. Then it
wanted to go out and do some shopping. After all Goddess Carmen was not
on today. Well, much to its surprise Goddess Carmen was telling Her
co-workers at work about how She owned an ashtray that could be used at
work for amusement and entertainment.

Goddess Carmen wanted all of Her Girl friends that would enjoy this to be
able to use the nut tray during the course of the day. She logged on to
AIM and sent a video request. But it had gone shopping and was not at
home. And it had not asked for permission to be away ahead of time.

The email alert sounded on its smart phone and sure enough it was Goddess
Carmen asking why it was not at home. She texted it and told it that all
of Her friends wanted to use the nut tray thru out the day. it told Her
that it would be home in 15 minutes. And it quickly paid for its
groceries and drove very fast to get home. Shaking it head it knew that
it would be
punished. Whats more being being used as an ashtray for Her co-workers
would be a real challenge for it. it did not know how sadistic or
anything about how the Women at work would use it. Some no doubt would be
quite sadistic and some not so.

She was at home, but it was going to have to serve all of Her Friends at
work thru out the whole day. This was punishment for it not being home.

pt. 2/2 punishment fantasy from my ashtray

it quickly stripped because it is to serve naked at all times, tied up the
nuts and placed the nut tray on. Then answered the video chat request so
that the webcam was on. Right away Goddess Carmen told it to light 5 cigs
and lay them in the nut tray. She told Her toy that it had to be an
ashtray for all of Her girl friends that sent a video request thru out the
whole day. it is thinking, wow, she is not even working and is now using
it for Her amusement.

Goddess Carmen also said that it had better perform perfectly or She would
punish it even more. Right now it was really being punished because it
had not been available all week, because of its schedule. it was still
being used to serve Goddess Carmen’s desire to control Her toy.

it thought that it would have to explain to each Woman that wanted to use
an ashtray what to do. Boy, it was totally wrong, unknown to it, Goddess
Carmen had planned this as a way to punish it by telling all the Women
how they can use it. She also told each one that it was to have no limits
but Hers and that if it failed to live up to their expectations that they
should tell Her.

it knows that it had no choice, it had signed the deed of ownership and it
basically was just property that was owned by Goddess Carmen. Plus there
was always the soft blackmail option that was hanging over its head.

For the next 12 hours it served as an ashtray, it being burned and used
often. At the end the nuts were almost double their size, swollen, red,
yellow, gray and black in spots too. The center of the nuts were totally

it was so abused that it could not stand and walk. it had to sit for a
while, then it took a shower and gently cleaned the nuts up. it knowing
that they would be used again the next day when Goddess Carmen was

Sure enough, the next day Goddess Carmen wanted to use Her ashtray / toy
even though the nuts were sadistically burned already. it did not have a
choice and it is learning that it should not question anything and just
take it for Goddess Carmen so that She can be entertained and amused. And
Goddess Carmen was in the mood to play with cigars. it simply said Yes
Goddess Carmen and like a toy it was used hard.

it was punished just because it amused Goddess Carmen. Goddess Carmen
wants total control it intends to give it to Her at all times.
(The End)

More of Carmen’s Fantasies…