

your actions revolve around ME

your thoughts are not your own

now bend that little ass over

and let Me hear you moan

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2 comments to moreslaveforME

  • slave junior

    Lord Jordan,

    Thank YOU for all that YOU have taught me over this past year. i live my life to please and worship YOU as my religion. Thank YOU for teaching me that my place is at YOUR feet worshipping YOU as a mindless follower. i continue to offer my beliefs, fetishes and desires to YOU for YOUR reprogramming. Thank YOU for teaching me to accept and admire the beauty, power, and intellect of dominant women and the real men in THEIR lives. Furthermore, thank YOU for teaching me to appreciate the amazing beauty of ethnically diverse women; so that i can see the gift of all of GOD’s work.

    Thank YOU for ordering me to wear liquid leggings as part of my uniform while masturbating daily to YOUR teachings and programmed obsessions. i am honored to be open about my masturbation addiction and to all fetishes YOU choose for me.

    i wish for all of YourDesires to know that i, slave junior am the property of Lord Jordan. i continue to be shaped and molded as YOU desire and choose. YOU are everything to me, i am proud to have everyone know that i live in awe of YOUR perfection.

    Humbly, slave junior, property of Lord Jordan

  • josh

    hey jordon , thanks for that awesome call. u really made me cum. hope u had a good time . see you next time babe and sweet ass