Oh how I love to hear from my Slavelings. The need and desire in their tone and demeanor is quite intoxicating I must admit. The thrill I receive handing out strict assignments – especially ones with time limits – knowing full well it will take My little slaves all their energy to complete, if they are even able to complete them!!!
Sometimes, when a slaveling has misbehaved, the Lock is administered, and believe Me when I say – it is a very effective reminder tool.
My beloved Goddess Jordan takes Her lil slut down so very low so very quickly as Her perfect shadow moves over his cowering self in corner. i ache to perform Her every lil request, command, deed swiftly and obediently so as not to disappoint. She is simply MASTERFUL! i suffer continually under Her perfect hand only to be shaped for Her pleasure and Her pleasure alone.
Goddess Mistress Jordan RULES my WORLD!!!! So intoxicatingly seductive and dangerous…