
Happy Boxing Day!

That means you spend all day worshipping my box, right?


Tessa says…

Happy Holidays! Call to play, we can unwrap each other and see what it is we want to do with each other today.


Twas the night before Christmas,

when all through this house. Beautiful creatures were stirring. Oh! the things they do with their mouths. ~
Our stockings are pulled up long legs with great care, in hopes that
new garter belts will hold them up there.~

(Keep me warm and jingle my bells? ^.~)


This is Dan

He is blowing me a kiss as I take all his money.



Welcome Me To Tuesdays…

I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve been available on Tuesdays, but I couldn’t be more excited. I’ll be around from 8am-1pm and would LOVE to play.


Christie’s Holiday gift!

Hello!  I am here tonight until 10pm PST!  I’ve been feeling so generous over this holiday season that I decided to come in tonight, just for you.  I’ll be back bright and early at 9am PST tomorrow morning for your last minute shopping needs (wink).

One more thing, I’ve been noticing a dramatic increase in comments on my blog lately.  Just know that you can email to have a more personal chat with me.


Solstice challenge!

To pay tribute to the longest night of the year I’d love to see just how long you can get for me.  Once again, I am here until 1opm PST.


Tessa teasingly tempts you…

It is a rainy night. A perfect night to snuggle up and explore each other. Building our desire slowly, gasping with urgency to end with intense, mind-blowing orgasms. Call me tonight and tell me how you want to get your desires fulfilled.


Christie has two surprises tonight!

My first surprise is that I am here until 10pm PST tonight!  I decided to take up an extra shift on the night of the solstice.  Come celebrate the days becoming longer (and possibly other things) with me tonight.

My second surprise is that I have changed my picture on the website.  Visit to see a brand new picture of me.


The Holidays

The Holidays are here, and that means Miss Robin is in a very giving mood. Call me over the holidays and let’s see what naughty things we can get up to that will take you off Santa’s Nice List. ;) I’ll be here Christmas Day and New Years Day, so get a hold of me and let’s have some sexxxy phone fun!