By Hollie, on July 1st, 2017 A little word fun
or call 405-366-2187
for a lot of nasty fun!
(a little word fun)
(E_you choose the one you like lol )
Can you CUM up with some other words to describe me?
not into word fun?
Call me for a some explosive fun
FROM MY BIO:::Call me if your exploring your sexuality, I have helped so many of my callers make that step into finding the real them…. (you know who you are)
*Call me if your on the fence and need that little encouragement to make the commitment to the real you.
Are you a Rick that’s desire is to be a Ronda? call me I’ll help you find that peace that cums with being in your real skin.
When only the best will do- call me…Now that you’ve found me, its just a matter of time before you finally fit into your skin….**
I can’t wait to her from you!
Hollie 405-366-2187
*entry #1779: Diary of a Phone Sex Addict.
By Hollie, on June 19th, 2017 I’m in a really bitchy mood
Calling out to all my Bitches, sissy boys, panty boys, sissy sluts……
who wants to be my little whore tonight???
405-366-2187 for a session with Mistress Hollie
email to schedule an appointment @
For guaranteed hook up contact me direct at the above number and or email
By Hollie, on May 17th, 2017 I have a new subbie that I have added to my fold recently. 405-366-2187
He is doing very nicely- His biggest desire was to totally worship[ my body!
He is learning well…. he strokes me up and down, rubbing and kissing my ass licking my asshole…
all the way down my long, long legs (all 6ft of me) then my Favorite part- my feet, my size 9 1/2 beautiful feet!
He licks them as if they were sweet candy!
Sucking my toes one after the other, as he sucks my long toes deep in his mouth, taking his time to slowly suck each toes into his hot wet mouth! Each time he sucks my toes into that mouth of his, it makes his cock grown harder with each suckle
You want to lick my feet and suck my toes!? Think you can do a good job?- 405-366-2187
You want to cup my beautiful size 9 1/2 foot into your hands and suck my long toes freshly painted with sexy, hot red polish…
xoxoxoxo Hollie
“When I’m Good I’m Very Very Good-
And When I’m BAD I’m even BETTER!!”
Call me baby {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my room
for my little subbies…
My Dungeon of your pain & my pleasure
I’m waiting for you…
check out my New Summer Hours!
Hot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
Check me out @
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hollie 4 ALL of YourDesires
By Hollie, on May 14th, 2017 Now that summer is here I am taking a few hours to ENJOY!
I have many more thing to do during the summer!
I have more subbies to train- and parties to go to..
And bigger gangbangs to do!
So there will be plenty of stories for all to hear!
If you need to do a all closer to my regular hours let me know
If you need a session earlier than my schedule just let me know
I am always willing to fit you in and give you the CUM of your life…or if your one of my subbies on CUM restriction well you will only dream of having the CUM of your life!
New hours: 12am PST-8am PST
Just for you:
 Hollie Squirting during call 405-366-2187
*Diary of a Phone Sex Addict
By Hollie, on April 17th, 2017  How Lucky can 1 Girl Be!. 405-366-2187
My Callers All know My LifeStyle is All over the map
I LOVE being a Domanatrix and I love taking my frustrations out on my little p.o.s. pets.
But every now and then a Girl has to enjoy that feeling of being the center of everyone’s attention!
For Me there is something HOT about having 10+ guys hard stroking waiting on their turn to blow their load!
I love that feeling when I have a BIG HARD, THROBING, VIEN BULGING, COCK, pumping in and out of my holes-
One in my hands and still have guys stroking their hard swollen cock while watching me getting FUCKED by as many guys possible!
Nothing is hotter than seeing a group of guys stroking their cocks waiting their turn!
Usually I like to be in total control (and believe me in this I still am!) but every now and then I love being the hole for everyone’s COCK.
So join me every Monday for all of my Diary entries from my Sunday GANG-BANG’s . Hear every oooey gooey detail!
From beginning to end Enjoy every juicy detail— Call Hollie @ 405-366-2187
xoxoxoxo Hollie
“When I’m Good I’m Very Very Good-
And When I’m BAD I’m even BETTER!!”
Call me baby {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my *room
for my little subbies…
My Dungeon of your pain & my pleasure
I’m waiting for you…
CUM chatting with me-
Find me @
GetHot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
Check me out @
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hollie 4 ALL of YourDesires
*PS. When you call me your calling me directly into my bedroom- there have been a lucky few that
have called when I have had “company” and were allowed to secretly listen, if you could be so lucky!
By Hollie, on April 4th, 2017 Hollie + R.A.W. =
Ready to FUCK
Able to take you in the Hole of your Choice
Willing to Cum & Repeat the Step Above!
Sometimes you just need to let your hair don and FUCK! Hollie
 Call Hollie Direct 405-366-2187
Call me baby {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my room
For y My “little-Pain Slut, subbies… your calling
“My Dungeon -where ALL of your pain – Is My Ultimate Pleasure!”
I’m waiting for you…And I hate to be kept waiting!
Sundays- 10pm-8am PST
Mondays- 10pm-12pm PST Thursdays-10pm-10pm PST
Tuesdays- 10pm-12pm PST Friday – 10pm-8am PST
Wednesdays-10pm-12pm PST Saturdays-10pm-8am PST
CUM chatting with me-
Find me @
GetHot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
Check me out @
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hollie 4 ALL of YourDesires
*Entry from Diary of a Phone Sex Addict
By Hollie, on April 3rd, 2017 What’s “HUMILIATRIX” you ask?
It is HOLLIE a Mistress that you will never stand a chance of having- Your Mistress that knows what makes you tick- The ONE that finally understands what gets you horny and gets you off!
Its the one person that knows and understands that you can not get that pathetic little penis of yours off unless someone is treating you like the piece of shit you are. You crave those words that tell you the truth, it makes your clit sized penis hard and makes you want to get off like you have never experienced before!
I Mistress Hollie knows NOTHING will satisfy that urge deep-deep inside you that craves to be degraded –
Once you allow yourself to give up control, you will experience the deepest sexual pleasure you have ever had.
So call Mistress Hollie and beg me for a session to treat you like you know you were meant to be treated……405-366-2187
So Call Hollie @ 405-366-2187 and FINALLY experience that humiliation you deserve- unleash that inner pleasure you have been craving your whole pathetic life..
So if Sensual Humiliation is not getting you to the pleasure you want CUM to me for HARDCORE HUMILIATION from Hollie YourDesires Only Humiliatrix! 405-366-2187
Often Imitated – BUT NEVER Duplicated
Hollie for Youresires!
Check out my Schedule send me an email to see if I have time for your pathetic ass.
You need a Humiliatrix to put you in your place. You need to be shamed, humiliated, embarrassed, and humbled beyond repair. You might go into a Humiliatrix Session thinking that you are at least a little bit of a real man. That’s so funny that you would believe YOU are a real man.
If your under 5in and under your not what I refer to is “NOT CUM WORTHY!”
After a call/session with Hollie you will FINALLY understand what the truth really is: you are really are a, undeniably pathetic clit-pulling perverted loser who exists for NOTHING more than my sadistic Amusement and Pleasure
Don’t you want to find out just how much erotic humiliation you can take? THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL READING THIS?
Hollie 405-366-2187
Humiliatrix – Femdom Erotic Humiliation
*diary of a phone sex addict entry
* Hollie
“When I’m Good I’m Very Very Good-
And When I’m BAD I’m even BETTER!!”
Call me {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my room
for my little subbies…
My Dungeon of your pain & my pleasure
I’m waiting for you… Sundays- 10pm-8am PST
Mondays- 10pm-12pm PST Thursdays-10pm-10pm PST
Tuesdays- 10pm-12pm PST Friday – 10pm-8am PST
Wednesdays-10pm-12pm PST Saturdays-10pm-8am PST
CUM chatting with me-
Find me @
GetHot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
Check me out @
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hollie 4 ALL of YourDesires
By Hollie, on March 29th, 2017 Its raining cats and dogs outside – Cats and Dogs are just a phone call away… How?
Well call me and be my BITCH & I’ll FUCK your Pussy that’s How!
I’m Hot, I’m Horny & Ready to Play!
Call 405-366-2187 for Hollie TODAY!
xoxoxoxo Hollie
“When I’m Good I’m Very Very Good-
And When I’m BAD I’m even BETTER!!”
Call me baby {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my room
for my little subbies…
My Dungeon of your pain & my pleasure
I’m waiting for you…
Sundays- 10pm-8am PST
Mondays- 10pm-12pm PST Thursdays-10pm-10pm PST
Tuesdays- 10pm-12pm PST Friday – 10pm-8am PST
Wednesdays-10pm-12pm PST Saturdays-10pm-8am PST
CUM chatting with me-
Find me @
GetHot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
Check me out @
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hollie 4 ALL of YourDesires
* entry diary of a Phone Sex Addict.
By Hollie, on March 27th, 2017 Cum one CUM ALL! And boy did they all CUM! Over, and Over and Over……
One after another on the pool table- I even FUCKED a pool cue! oh did I cum ll over the cue over and over again!
I had hard cock all around me, more cocks than holes….YUMMY YUMMY COCKS!
COCKS COCKS everywhere and everyone to FUCK!
a sea of men and everyone was welcum to join in… even mans best friend. :) ok Man’s 2nd best friend k-9 (Lets face it mans 1st Best friend is his cock!)
I heard a couple of guys saying “Man she’s like getting coffee at Kentucky Fried Chicken!
She’s Finger Lickin Good and She’s Good to the Last Drop!
“When I’m Good I’m Very Very Good-
And When I’m BAD I’m even BETTER!!”
Call me baby {405}-366-2187
That number rings directly into my room
for my little subbies…
My Dungeon of your pain & my pleasure
I’m waiting for you…
Sundays- 10pm-8am PST
Mondays- 10pm-12pm PST Thursdays-10pm-10pm PST
Tuesdays- 10pm-12pm PST Friday – 10pm-8am PST
Wednesdays-10pm-12pm PST Saturdays-10pm-8am PST
CUM chatting with me-
Find me @
GetHot4Hollie on Trillian-
Follow me @
If you think you can handle it
*Check out my thoughts and fantasies*-
Roleplay, fantasies, chat request may be sent by email
*taken from diary of a phone sex addict
By Hollie, on March 26th, 2017 ROLEPLAYS – I Love “All kinds,” including age play, mommy/daddy, brother/sister, being slut, Domme Pain, pain and more Pain and Sensual Domme, Guided Masturbation, nurse/patient, CBT, Sissies, making you my BITCH and so much more.
I can be your mommy- change your diaper, nurse you, rock you, sing to you, Mother you..
Your sisters Hot friend, maybe you want the girl next door and you want to sneak in my bedroom window and HAVE me!
I’ll fight and beg you not to hurt me!
OR You want to be my Daddy- YOU! –
*For those that have talked with me you know I am a certified sex addict: And know how I got put into the sex industry. (Hello to all my wonderful daddies) they are all so go to me and fuck me soooooo soooo good. If you want to get your dick off to a great “daddy broke me in story” I’m your gal! I have regular daddies that can’t get enough of my stories.. I am good at the role paly because I know how it really feels to have daddy open up my bare, puffy pussy! Feeling his fingers rubbing my little clit while I giggle and squirm on his lap.. only to lick dripping pre-cum and promise me more of my sweet treat if I do a good job, stroking daddy!
Hear how daddy pimped me out at such a young age and how I loved it!-
Call Hollie for more details