

Just a reminder to all my sissy sluts out there. Your small cock belongs to me. I will dress it up in silky panties and make it into a clit for me to torture. You will only be allowed to touch it when you prove yourself worthy as a true sissy slut. You better be ready to have your holes stretched and your mouth to be filled with whomever’s cum I desire. Maybe I will fill your pathetic ass with my big strap on. OPEN WIDE FOR DADDY BITCH! This is not just phone chat. This is your life now, I make the rules.



I could certainly use some manhandling tonight. I’m talking about some hair pulling, ass slapping, nipple twisting hardcore fun! Who’s game?


Turkey and Pie ;)

The room was alight in laughter and the smell of roasted turkey. I sat on the couch in my family’s living room. My mom always did the holidays big. all of my cousins were in attendance as was tradition. I smiled at my cousin Noah from across the room. He was taller this year. His dark hair longer. I made my way over to him. We exchanged pleasantries while I spiked his eggnog with rum from my flask. Forever my drinking buddy at any family function and maybe a little more than that. I winked at him as my mom called for a round of domino.
I would win every game that mom challenged me too that night. Mostly to make a statement of my presences. Noah always nipping at my heels, Always almost taking the win for himself. The competitive nature we had as children shining through. I slipped up the stairs relatively unnoticed. Walking down the hall to my old childhood room. Noah noticed my absence for the cue that it was. He came into the room locking the door behind him. He was pushing me up against the wall a second later. Mouth on mine like he had been thinking about it since the moment he saw me walk in the house. His hands made quick work of my panties. While mine dealt with the pesky zipper of his slacks. He was all the way inside of me a moment later. and we both moaned. Flash backs of the first time we did this always came with his first stroke. We both knew that this was wrong… But honestly how wrong could it be when we fit so perfectly together. He was pounding into me with the expertise of someone who had spent years learning just how to make this body twitch from pleasure. My hands were gripping at his hair. my mouth on his neck to muffle my moans. There was only one way this round would end. The only way that ever felt right despite the risk. I started to bounce up and down with his thrusts. and when I started to cum all over my cousins cock I bit down on his neck to stop my screams lest anyone find us in this compromising position He followed me right over the edge making sure to slam all the way in so the head of his cock was right against my cervix as he exploded, filling me up with his all too familiar seed. I kissed his cheek and then hopped down and before calling over my shoulder, ‘Can’t wait for Christmas.’



It is the kind of day where I enjoy a two-hour bubble bath! I have a garden tub and I fill it almost to the rim with hot sudsy water, put on some music, get naked and soak!  I need someone to wash my back…


New SEX TOYS….to please my pretty little pussy;)

I’m thinking about getting some new toys!! I can’t decide which ones I
should get. Should I get a few for each hole? Or just some for my PUSSY!?
I really want a new butt plug, but think I might need a bigger size. Which
ones do you guys recommend? What are your favorites?! Call me up and give
me some ideas, I love a good SEX TOY suggestion…..maybe it’ll lead to
some XXX PHONE SEX, too;) I can only hope, teehee!!


Cuddles, Camping, And Choking on cock

He lay next to me in our camping tent on the air mattress content, unaware of my little plan. I awoke to the sounds of the trees blowing in the wind, and nuzzled closer to him for the warmth of his naked body. When my leg came to drape across him, I found his cock rock hard. I bit my lip and slowly, gently, and willing every bit of grace into my movements, I moved under the covers. I didn’t want him to wake until his cock was all the way down my throat. I found his cock under the blankets, my tongue finding the head of him instantly. I choked back a groan. I could still taste myself on him from the hours of sex earlier. Fuck we tasted delicious all mixed together like this. His hand twitched at his side. it was time. I opened my mouth wide, and taking a deep breath through my nose, I swallowed his cock all the way down to the base. I knew he had awakened by the hiss that came out of him. I pulled back to the tip and then deep throated him again. He ripped the blanket off of us. To find me between his legs eyes gleaming in moonlight as i stared up at him, keeping my rhythm.
“Fuck, Baby girl” he groaned at the sight of me. I smirked around his cock and then came up to do that special tongue flick against his head that practically made him growl every time. His hand found its way into my hair. Simply just holding my hair out of the way. He wanted to see how I wanted to touch him. I swallowed him whole then again.
“Finley!” he gasped as if I was stealing the air from his lungs. It only encouraged me. My pace picked up, practically chocking myself on his cock, Not once did my gaze leave his eyes. I wanted to watch him cum for him, I wanted to watch the pleasure take over his features as he gave me this sweet treat of his cum. My hand came up to massage his balls as I settled my lips around the base of him, and that is when he lost it. Cum spraying into my throat, my name falling off of his lips, his eyes struggling to stay open and in contact with mine as I milked every drop from his balls.
Fuck he was so sexy when he lost himself in me.


naked hot and wet-

Now all I need is for you to pick up that phone and let’s have some amazing phone sex!

I am here today until for calls and setting up appointments for next week. Come fill all my slots darlings



Hollie’s Gang Bang Sunday’s are Up & Going Again (Diary of a Sex Addict)

I love my weekly gang bangs….

I know those who call me to hear about them love them too!

Last Sunday was amazing I didn’t want it to stop!

Cocks Cocks everywhere and every drop for ME!!!

Big Cock Bigger Cock  Just for Hollies Holes!

I Just love All of my BBC ‘s

Want to hear all about it?

Call me: 405-366-2187




*Entry; Diary of a Phone Sex Addict


bound ass play

My perfect little pet, was bound to the bed by all four limbs. Legs spread, on his stomach and blind folded. I smirked at the scene before me flogger in hand. I slowly moved around the bed trailing the tips of suede up his spine. Before starting its teasing decent back down. With a flick of my wrist that flogger came down lightly on his ass cheeks. he gasped. I flicked my wrist again. The tips of the flogger snapping against his ass. This elicited a moan. Which was music to my ears. Again and Again the flogger came down on his ass, tell the room was alight in symphony of the flogger breaking the wind and his little sounds. When his ass was the perfect shade of red I set the flogger down, and moved to grab some coconut oil.
I straddled the backs of his thighs and began warming the oil in my hands. My hands started working over the red hot skin of his ass cheeks. hisses escaping as he adjusted. With every swipe of my hands I got closer and closer to where his ass cheeks parted. Eventually I slipped a coconut oil covered finger between them and found his pert little asshole. I slowly started to trace small little circles around the outside. My pet moaned loudly and tried to push back on to my finger. So I slipped in painstakingly slowly. His ass backed further up on to my finger and I smirked. Such a greedy pet. My finger withdrew instantly. He whimpered. and then my hand came down on his ass hard. My pets do not behave with such little patience. He hissed, and I knew he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
I stepped away then and lubed up two fingers silently. letting him stew. I came in fast, breath in his ear, hot and heavy. “Beg.” my voice whispered, in utter command. “beg me, and maybe if your convincing enough. I’ll think about touching that small cock.” He groaned then, and please came falling off his lips like a song. My two fingers slid in slow and gentle. and his pleas stopped, cut off by a half growl half moan. his thighs twitched with the effort to stay still. I bit his neck then and started to finger fuck his ass hard, fast and with out mercy. Just like he wanted. I curled my fingers up as I pulled back and his hips bucked,and the moan that erupted from his throat. oh he wanted it. My speed picked up wanting to see just how much he could take. It was moments later he was begging me to let him cum, my fingers curled inside of him again and I pulled half way back as he screamed please, again. “Yes my pet” I murmured as I pulled the rest of the way out and his small cock started spilling cum underneath him.


Monday Mania

Hey sexy people! It’s Monday which means it’s my Friday and I want to start this weekend with a BANG if you know what I mean ;) It’s another super hot day today and i’m sitting here in a pair of daisy dukes and my red bikini top. Come help me out of it and give me something to put in my mouth other than this cherry popsicle. ;)